How to Cure Annoying Genital Herpes

Treatment and prevention are the most important topics to learn about. The following piece includes several ideas for doing just that.

When you get genital herpes infections, it is a good idea to see your doctor. You need to get treatment and proper medication as soon as possible, so don’t put it off.

If you notice a genital herpes infection beginning, go to a doctor quickly and get treatment immediately. If you disregard an infection, it will get worse and make you very uncomfortable.

Take a bath with a couple of cups of apple cider vinegar added to the water. Vinegar is good at balancing natural pH levels which keeps genital herpes growth at bay. Try not to sit in your bath longer than you typically would. If you would like, instead of bathing, you can use a douche made up of cider vinegar and warm water.

Avoid condoms and diaphragms if you are using a cream for your genital herpes infection. Your birth control device will not be as effective due to the cream. Don’t have sex until you are cured. If this is not possible, discuss better contraceptive options with your doctor.

Tea tree oil makes for a great natural remedy for helping fight against genital herpes infections. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with some sweet almond oil and apply it on the infected area. If you don’t mix tea tree oil with another substance, it can actually cause discomfort. This can effectively help you fight off infections and restore peace to your vaginal area.

Practice good hygiene to avoid genital herpes infections. Wash the whole vaginal area thoroughly. When finished thoroughly dry the area. Genital herpes grows in warm, moist environments; therefore, keep the area as dry as possible.

Be proactive if you notice genital herpes infections on a regular basis, like before your period. Include acidophilus supplements just before, during and after you menstruate. You will notice that your symptoms are greatly alleviated or gone altogether. If you think ahead, you can prevent the infection before you get the symptoms.

If you would like to avoid genital herpes infections, do not use scented soap or bubble bath. The chemicals in the products can cause genital herpes infections or make them worse. Refrain from using tampons that have scents on them as well.

Avoid wearing synthetic, tight fitting clothing. Tight clothing restricts air flow, and synthetic fabrics can trap moisture and heat. Genital herpes thrives in these environments from the lack of air circulation. Look for clothes made in breathable fabrics like cotton; wear them loosely.

Diet plays a huge role in recurrent genital herpes infections. Consuming too many sugary foods can make your body a prime breeding ground for infection. If you find that your bad eating habits might be related to your infections, replace sugary foods with veggies, nuts and fruits instead.

The discomfort and pain is something that many women know all too well. All hope is not lost in the battle, though. There are many ways to prevent genital herpes infections, as well as deal with the symptoms of the ailment. Apply the advice from this genital genital herpes cure options and you will be much better informed about genital herpes infections.
Got Genital Herpes? These Natural Cure Could Help!

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